I Heart Dictators

Friday, August 12, 2005

Todor Zhivkov

Todor Zhivkov ruled for many years
He over came all the smears
A red geranium under his bed
The Bulgarian people he lead
Fear and Oppression were the rule
But he still makes me drool
I love him all the more
Even if he was covered in sores
He had his own daughter killed
But my heart can not be stilled
I will love him forever
As the water flows in the Danube River


  • At 8/18/2005 7:11 AM, Blogger checkman said…

    Ran across your very perverse site and enjoyed it greatly! Keep up the good work. There are always more despots around.

  • At 8/18/2005 7:38 AM, Blogger Bill M. said…

    Wow. I've never come across dictatorial poetry before. I'm a big fan of the Roman Empire and its dictators, so I'd love it if you did a poem or two about them. My name's Bill, by the way. I stumbled across this bit of brilliance from the blogger dashboard. Keep it up.


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